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The focus is to support Avondale elementary schools in their science curriculum as teachers continue to learn and develop the best practice for the students by improving education through 3-dimensional learning as defined in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Our goal is provide teachers with the necessary tool box to support the new learning opportunities.  


Collaborative Grant


Gift of Giving is pleased to offer Avondale Schools’ staff members the opportunity to apply for a Collaborative Elementary Science Grant for 4th or 5th grades.  This will be a 2 year launch period.  The goal of this grant is to expand Project Based Learning (PBL) through the Avondale elementary schools by leveraging the collaboration of teachers across the district. The purpose of the grant is to enhance Avondale’s Life Science Program by providing all students at each grade level with the same resources, same teaching materials, and same best practice in the classroom.


Collaborative Grant award will include the following:

·       A total of $5000 for science materials, field trips, and/or speakers for the overall project.  More funding may be available based on the proposal from the collaborative team.


·       Pay for substitutes 3 times per year for each elementary building to allow collaborative team to host planning meetings.  This will be a maximum of 6 times for 2 years. 


Click here (Collaborative Grant) to download the application.  Send completed application to



Science Materials Grant


We believe in hands-on learning in the classroom.  It allows students to engage in kinesthetic learning.  Increases motivation and engagement. Engages most of the senses. Increases retention of learning. Making mistakes becomes a natural part of the learning process. 


This grant is to provide additional materials in the classroom to allow smaller group sizes per activity to increase student participation.  


Click here (Science Materials Grant) to download the application.  Send completed application to

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